RFD Report of Department of Cooperation For 2013-2014

Section 1 : Vision, Mission and Function  


 A strong and vibrant Cooperative Movement in Mizoram.


Strengthening  Cooperative Movement to make it Viable, Participative and Inclusive.

Sl.No. Functions
1 Ensuring various development schemes pertaining to Co-operatives are timely and effectively implemented by the monitoring and streamlining of process.
2 To conduct timely, quality audit of accounts of the Co-operatives as envisaged in the Constitution of India Article 243ZM(1) and the Mizoram Co-operatives Societies Act. Henceforth, timely preparation of audit reports on Co-operatives to enhance a timely follow-up actions.
3 To provide Financial Assistance to all reliable Co-operatives in order to enhance their further diversified activities and implement their respective Annual Plan Financial Budget.
4 Working towards promoting measures for productive quality of Cooperatives societies in the States.
5 Strengthening the cooperative movement through appropriate policy measures and also through organizations such as the National Cooperative Development Cooperation (NCDC), National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India (NAFED), National Cooperative Consumer Federation (NCCF), National Cooperative Union of India (NCUI) etc.

Sl.No. Objectives
1 Strengthening of Co-operatives Credit Structure.
2 To improve financial viability of Co-operatives movement through timely statutory Audit.
3 To promote Co-operatives Farming in agriculture, horticulture and allied activities like Piggery, Dairy, Poultry, Fishery, Sericulture etc.
4 Providing Cooperatives Education and Training through Mizoram State Cooperatives Union, District Cooperatives Unions and Publicity.
5 Strengthen the Consumers Co-operative Societies.
6 Strengthening the Handloom Co-operatives.
7 Availing NCDC assistance by the Cooperative Societies.
8 Strengthening the organizational set up and infrastructure of the Department as it would boost up the cooperative movement.
* Preparation of Citizens Charter
* Efficient functioning of RFD System

  Section 2 : Inter se Priorities among Key Objectives, Success indicators and Targets  

  Target/Criteria Value
Sl.No. Objective Weight Actions Success Indicator Unit Weight Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
  100% 90% 80% 70% 60%
1 Strengthening of Co-operatives Credit Structure. 15 [1.1] Timely release of fund for strengthening Cooperative Credits Structure on Primary Cooperatives Societies and the SCB. [1.1.1] Release of budgeted amount to the PIA both from Central and State Governments by 30th June 2013. % 4.00 90 85 80 75 70
[1.1.2] Release of funds by the PIA to PACs. % 4.00 90 85 80 75 70
[1.2] Involving new members from amongst small and marginal farmers and economically weaker sections in availing Coop. credit. [1.2.1] Increase in the coverage of small and marginal farmers and weaker sections under Co-operative credit. % 4.00 25 23 20 18 16
[1.2.2] Percentage of small farmers & marginal farmers to the total members linked to credit. % 3.00 25 23 21 19 17
2 To improve financial viability of Co-operatives movement through timely statutory Audit. 14 [2.1] Audit completion on Primary Cooperative Societies in all the 7 districts,State level and district level Societies/Federation. [2.1.1] Audit of all Primary Cooperative Societies in 7 Coop. districts for the period ending 31.03.2013 by 31.12.2013. % 4.00 100 90 80 70 60
[2.1.2] Audit of all State Level Societies for the period ending 31.03.2013 i.e.10 Nos. by 31.12.2013. % 4.00 100 95 90 85 80
[2.1.3] Audit of all District Level Societies i.e. 03 Nos. for the period ending 31.03.2013 by 31.12.2013. % 3.00 100 90 80 70 60
[2.2] Audit Fee collection [2.2.1] Proportion of Audit fee to be collected on Primary Coop. Societies, District Level & State Level Societies as per direction in the MCS Rules. % 3.00 85 75 65 60 55
3 To promote Co-operatives Farming in agriculture, horticulture and allied activities like Piggery, Dairy, Poultry, Fishery, Sericulture etc. 13 [3.1] Promotion of Cooperatives Societies in sector like agriculture, horticulture and allied activities like Piggery, Dairy, Poultry, Fishery, Sericulture etc. [3.1.1] Percentage of budgeted amount released before 30.09.2013. % 4.00 90 85 80 75 70
[3.1.2] Increase in quantity of allotment of feeds to Co-operative Societies by Supply Deptt. with reference base year of 2012-13. % 3.00 40 35 30 25 20
[3.1.3] Increase in production of mulberry nurseries, cocoon ,silk etc. in allied activities sector of Sericulture through Sericulture Department with reference base year of 2012-13. % 3.00 50 45 40 35 30
[3.1.4] Increase in production of agriculture and horticulture products through the respective concern Departments with reference base year of 2012-13. % 3.00 50 45 40 35 30
4 Providing Cooperatives Education and Training through Mizoram State Cooperatives Union, District Cooperatives Unions and Publicity. 13 [4.1] To impart Cooperatives education and training through MSCU, District Cooperatives Union and publicity. [4.1.1] To impart Cooperatives education and training through MSCU to members of Cooperative Societies. No of Courses 5.00 20 18 16 14 12
[4.1.2] To impart Cooperatives education and training through District Cooperative Unions at District level to members of Cooperative Societies. No of Courses 4.00 19 16 13 10 07
[4.1.3] To impart Cooperatives education through Publicity. No 4.00 150 135 120 105 90
5 Strengthen the Consumers Co-operative Societies. 13 [5.1] Constitution of study group for evaluation of ongoing schemes. [5.1.1] Timely constitution of study group with TOR. Date 2.00 15/07/2013 01/08/2013 15/08/2013 01/09/2013 30/09/2013
[5.2] Strengthening of the State Level Consumers Cooperatives Federation i.e. MIZOFED. [5.2.1] Release of State Government fund to the State Level Consumers Co-operative Federation i.e. MIZOFED. Date 4.00 30/11/2013 31/12/2013 31/01/2014 28/02/2014 31/03/2014
[5.3] Strengthening the primary Consumers Cooperative Societies. [5.3.1] Release of the State Govt. FA to Primary Consumers Cooperative Societies. Date 3.00 30/11/2013 31/12/2013 31/01/2014 28/02/2014 31/03/2014
[5.3.2] To conduct yearly inspection towards ensuring proper management. Date 2.00 31/01/2014 28/02/2014 31/03/2014    
[5.3.3] No. of awareness campaigns organized in rural areas. No 2.00 86 81 76 71 66
6 Strengthening the Handloom Co-operatives. 11 [6.1] To improve productions and marketing in cooperative handloom sector. [6.1.1] New handloom weavers bought under Co-operative Societies. No 3.00 50 45 40 35 30
[6.1.2] Imparting training to weavers for better quality production and others by the Primary Handloom Cooperative Societies. No 3.00 75 65 55 45 35
[6.2] Development of State level Handloom Cooperative Fed. Ltd., MAHCO and Primary Handloom Cooperative Societies. [6.2.1] Percentage increase in turnover of MAHCO from base year of 2012-23. % 3.00 30 25 22 20 18
[6.3] Handloom exhibition in State level and National level. [6.3.1] Participation in Handloom exhibition at National Level & State Level by Primary and State Level Coop. Societies. No 2.00 35 30 25 20 15
7 Availing NCDC assistance by the Cooperative Societies. 11 [7.1] Proposals from Cooperative Societies for funding under NCDC. [7.1.1] On time submission, the proposal from State Level Fed. i.e. from MAHFED, MIZOFED etc., Dist. Level Coop. Societies to the State Govt. for recommendation. Date 4.40 30/11/2013 31/12/2013 31/01/2014 28/02/2014 31/03/2014
[7.1.2] On time submission, the new proposal from Primary Cooperative Societies to NCDC after State Govt. recommendation. Date 3.30 30/11/2013 31/12/2013 31/01/2014 28/02/2014 31/03/2014
[7.1.3] On time submission, the proposal for the implementation of Integrated Cooperative Development Project (ICDP). Date 3.30 30/11/2013 31/12/2013 31/01/2014 28/02/2014 31/03/2014
* Preparation of Citizens Charter 5 Compilation of Citizens Charter for Department as per Central Secretariat Manual, 2003 Timeline Date 5.00 30/04/2013 15/05/2013 31/05/2013 15/06/2013 30/06/2013
* Efficient functioning of RFD System 5 Timely submission of Draft for approval On-time submission Date 2.00 28/02/2013 06/03/2013 11/03/2013 15/03/2013 29/03/2013
Timely submission of Half-Yearly achievement results On-time submission Date 1.00 04/10/2013 08/10/2013 11/10/2013 15/10/2013 18/10/2013
Timely submission of Annual achievement results On-time submission Date 2.00 09/04/2014 11/04/2014 15/04/2014 18/04/2014 22/04/2014

  Section 3 : Trend Values of the Success Indicators  

Sl.No. Objective Weight Actions Success Indicators Unit Actual Value for FY 2011-2012 Actual Value for FY 2012-2013 Target Value for FY 2013-2014 Projected Values for FY 2014-2015 Projected Values for FY 2015-2016
1 Strengthening of Co-operatives Credit Structure. 15 [1.1] Timely release of fund for strengthening Cooperative Credits Structure on Primary Cooperatives Societies and the SCB. [1.1.1] Release of budgeted amount to the PIA both from Central and State Governments by 30th June 2013. %     85    
[1.1.2] Release of funds by the PIA to PACs. %     85    
[1.2] Involving new members from amongst small and marginal farmers and economically weaker sections in availing Coop. credit. [1.2.1] Increase in the coverage of small and marginal farmers and weaker sections under Co-operative credit. % 19 21 23 25 27
[1.2.2] Percentage of small farmers & marginal farmers to the total members linked to credit. % 19 21 23 25 27
2 To improve financial viability of Co-operatives movement through timely statutory Audit. 14 [2.1] Audit completion on Primary Cooperative Societies in all the 7 districts,State level and district level Societies/Federation. [2.1.1] Audit of all Primary Cooperative Societies in 7 Coop. districts for the period ending 31.03.2013 by 31.12.2013. %     90    
[2.1.2] Audit of all State Level Societies for the period ending 31.03.2013 i.e.10 Nos. by 31.12.2013. %     95    
[2.1.3] Audit of all District Level Societies i.e. 03 Nos. for the period ending 31.03.2013 by 31.12.2013. %     90    
[2.2] Audit Fee collection [2.2.1] Proportion of Audit fee to be collected on Primary Coop. Societies, District Level & State Level Societies as per direction in the MCS Rules. % 65 70 75 80 85
3 To promote Co-operatives Farming in agriculture, horticulture and allied activities like Piggery, Dairy, Poultry, Fishery, Sericulture etc. 13 [3.1] Promotion of Cooperatives Societies in sector like agriculture, horticulture and allied activities like Piggery, Dairy, Poultry, Fishery, Sericulture etc. [3.1.1] Percentage of budgeted amount released before 30.09.2013. %     85    
[3.1.2] Increase in quantity of allotment of feeds to Co-operative Societies by Supply Deptt. with reference base year of 2012-13. %     35    
[3.1.3] Increase in production of mulberry nurseries, cocoon ,silk etc. in allied activities sector of Sericulture through Sericulture Department with reference base year of 2012-13. %     45    
[3.1.4] Increase in production of agriculture and horticulture products through the respective concern Departments with reference base year of 2012-13. %     45    
4 Providing Cooperatives Education and Training through Mizoram State Cooperatives Union, District Cooperatives Unions and Publicity. 13 [4.1] To impart Cooperatives education and training through MSCU, District Cooperatives Union and publicity. [4.1.1] To impart Cooperatives education and training through MSCU to members of Cooperative Societies. No of Courses 14 16 18 20 22
[4.1.2] To impart Cooperatives education and training through District Cooperative Unions at District level to members of Cooperative Societies. No of Courses 10 13 16 19 22
[4.1.3] To impart Cooperatives education through Publicity. No 105 120 135 150 165
5 Strengthen the Consumers Co-operative Societies. 13 [5.1] Constitution of study group for evaluation of ongoing schemes. [5.1.1] Timely constitution of study group with TOR. Date     01/08/2013    
[5.2] Strengthening the primary Consumers Cooperative Societies. [5.2.1] To conduct yearly inspection towards ensuring proper management. Date 29/02/2012 28/02/2013 28/02/2014 28/02/2015 29/02/2016
[5.2.2] No. of awareness campaigns organized in rural areas. No 61 71 81 91 101
6 Strengthening the Handloom Co-operatives. 11 [6.1] To improve productions and marketing in cooperative handloom sector. [6.1.1] New handloom weavers bought under Co-operative Societies. No 35 40 45 50 55
[6.1.2] Imparting training to weavers for better quality production and others by the Primary Handloom Cooperative Societies. No 51 58 65 72 79
[6.2] Development of State level Handloom Cooperative Fed. Ltd., MAHCO and Primary Handloom Cooperative Societies. [6.2.1] Percentage increase in turnover of MAHCO from base year of 2012-23. % 16 18 20 22 24
[6.3] Handloom exhibition in State level and National level. [6.3.1] Participation in Handloom exhibition at National Level & State Level by Primary and State Level Coop. Societies. No 20 25 30 35 340
7 Availing NCDC assistance by the Cooperative Societies. 11 [7.1] Proposals from Cooperative Societies for funding under NCDC. [7.1.1] On time submission, the proposal from State Level Fed. i.e. from MAHFED, MIZOFED etc., Dist. Level Coop. Societies to the State Govt. for recommendation. Date 31/12/2011 31/12/2012 31/12/2013 31/12/2014 31/12/2015
[7.1.2] On time submission, the new proposal from Primary Cooperative Societies to NCDC after State Govt. recommendation. Date 31/12/2011 31/12/2012 31/12/2013 31/12/2014 31/12/2015
[7.1.3] On time submission, the proposal for the implementation of Integrated Cooperative Development Project (ICDP). Date     30/06/2013    
* Preparation of Citizens Charter 5 Compilation of Citizens Charter for Department as per Central Secretariat Manual, 2003 Timeline Date     15/05/2013    
* Efficient functioning of RFD System 5 Timely submission of Draft for approval On-time submission Date     28/02/2013    
Timely submission of Half-Yearly achievement results On-time submission Date     06/09/2013    
Timely submission of Annual achievement results On-time submission Date     11/04/2014    

Section 4 : Acronyms
S.No Acronym Description
1 CAs Chatterer Accountants
2 GoI Government of India
3 GoM Government of Mizoram
4 MAHCO Mizoram Apex Handloom and Handicraft Cooperative Society Ltd. (State Level Society)
5 MCAB Mizoram Cooperative Apex Bank Ltd.
6 MCS Rules Mizoram State Cooperative Societies Rules
7 MSCU Mizoram State Cooperative Union
8 NABARD National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
9 NCDC National Cooperative Development Corporation
10 PACS Primary Agricultural Credit Societies
11 PIA Project Implementing Agency (i.e. Mizoram Cooperative Apex Bank).
12 SCB State Cooperative Bank (i.e. Mizoram Cooperative Apex Bank Ltd.)
Section 4 : Description and Definition of Success Indicators and Proposed Measurement Methodology
No Data Available


Section 5 : Specific Performance Requirements from other Departments
No Data Available

Section 6 : Outcome / Impact of activities of department ministry



OutCome/Impact of Department/Ministry Jointly responsible for influencing this outcome / impact with the following department (s) / ministry(ies) SuccessIndicator Unit 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016
1 Increased Co-operative credit to farmers, handloom weavers etc. Government of India, NABARD, Planning Department & Finance Department under Government of Mizoram and MC Apex Bank. Timely sanctioning / release of funds for the new projects and impact on financial health and infrastructure in beneficiary cooperative societies. Date          
2 Increase in the accountability and transparency of cooperative societies.   Increase in percentage of “B” class ( Audit classification ) cooperative societies. % 9.5 14 19 24 28
3 Better environment of Cooperative Societies in sector like agriculture, horticulture and allied activities. Planning Department, Finance Department, F&C Supply Deptt., Sericulture Deptt., Agriculture & Horticulture Deptt. Timely release of State share for the implementation of Handloom Package which is a Central ( Government of India) Scheme. Date          
4 Better enlighten member's results in better functioning of Co-operative Societies. Planning Deptt. , Finance Deptt. , MSCU and District Coop. Union. Making specified target and achieving plan. Date          
5 Better structuring and development of Consumers Cooperative Societies. Planning Deptt. , Finance Deptt. and MSCU Fulfilling the needs and aspirations of communities by providing quality goods and services at the lowest cost i.e. controlling of prices especially in rural areas. % 30 35 40 45 50
6 Employment generation and make the state (Mizoram) a self sufficient on this field (Handloom). GoI, NABARD, Planning Deptt. (GoM), Finance Deptt. (GoM) and Industry Deptt. (GoM) Better quality of production, more weavers and development of cooperative societies as a whole. % 35 40 45 50 55
7 Better infrastructure and expanding their business for the people. NCDC, Planning Deptt. (GoM) and Finance Deptt. (GoM) Development of Infrastructure and increase in working capital. % 35 40 45 50 55